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In Good Faith Project Prepares preservation
survey for small Theological and Religious
Studies Libraries

Archival Move

Question - Digital Photos

Newsletters: Women and Spirit -Catholic sisters in America



Office Hours

Wanted:  Film & Videos
 on Women Religious

Basic Information
for Archivists

Online Guides to Native American Records

Consulting/Mentoring Program


In Good Faith Project Prepares Preservation Survey for Small Theological and Religious Studies Libraries

Chicago, IL, February 25, 2014 – Through funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) and project partners the Catholic Library Association (CLA) and the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) are preparing a preservation survey for small theological and religious studies libraries, archives, and cultural institutions. The survey is the centerpiece of an IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries Planning Grant for the project, "In Good Faith: Collection Care, Preservation, and Access in Small Theological and Religious Studies Libraries."

The survey will help the project partners gain a better understanding of collection care, preservation, and access practices in small theological and religious studies libraries, archives, and cultural institutions and begin to identify valuable and vulnerable collections held in these institutions. The partners will use the results of the survey to explore collaborative initiatives to respond to identified long-term collection care, preservation, and access needs.

Read more:  In Good Faith Press Release.pdf




I'm managing an archival move and am hoping for some advice and wisdom from the ACWR community as I start this project. Please send any responses to and thanks in advance for your assistance. 

 Katy Guyon, M.A.
SHF Project Archivist

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How does your congregation deal with storing digital photography? More and more of the photographs we receive from our communications department are digital and not paper. Thanks for any help you can give us!

Leo Catahan, Archives Department, Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, 480 S. Batavia St. Orange, CA 92868, 714-633-8121 ext. 7117 or email:  

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 Below are the links for the newsletters from LCWR about the museum project -
Pioneers, Poets & Prophets: Catholic Sisters in America.

Women and Spirit Newsletter - Summer 2008

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 “A Gift of Forty Years” is a feature-length documentary in development about American nuns and social justice intended for broadcast on public television. The filmmakers are currently seeking unedited or edited film/video footage of any length or quality depicting women religious involvement in the following: civil rights, women's, peace and social justice movements from the 1950’s to the present; the Sister Formation Conference; Vatican II; LCWR, NETWORK, NAWR, NCAN, Las Hermanas, NBSC and women’s rights within the Catholic church. The materials will be considered for inclusion in the film; all originals will be copied and safely returned to their owners. The filmmakers welcome calls or emails from any archivists with information.  

Please contact:       

Mary Fishman, Director/Producer
Chicago, IL

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Office Hours 

Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 am - noon

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  • Have a policy and follow it.

  •  Use a deed of gift form for any documents or artifacts donated.

  •  Have guidelines and a signed form for researchers.

  •  Consider historical, legal, administrative and financial value of documents when appraising  materials.

  •  Appraise materials very carefully; “when in doubt, throw it out.”

  •  Use acid-free folders and boxes.

  •  Maintain an even temperature (65-68 degrees F) and relative humidity (45-55%)  in the document room(s).

  •  Keep a backup disk of database files off-site.

  •  Have a disaster plan in place.


  • Remove all staples, pins, paperclips, twine, brads and rubber bands. Replace them with stainless steel or plastic paperclips or keep loose pages together in their own acid-free folder.

  • Use white erasers rather than pink or gummy ones which peel.

  • Unfold and uncrease papers very carefully.

  • Check for mold or mildew on any documents received.

  • Use hairdryer to remove tape from documents.

  • Note items with conservation needs such as tears, weak bindings, excessive crumbling.  Hire a conservationist to remedy the worst conditions.

 Mary Ann Gschwind, fspa
ACWR Vice-President
March 2007

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 Marquette University’s second comprehensive guide to Native American Catholic records is now online. This Guide to Catholic-Related Records in the West about Native Americans (Volume 3) joins the previously revised Guide to Catholic-Related Records in the Midwest about Native Americans (Volume 3). The Western guide culminated a recent two-year NHPRC funded record survey of 14 states and includes 550 entries whereas the Midwest guide, based on an earlier survey of 12 states, has grown from 277 to 308 entries. Also online are partial volumes to records in the East (Volume 1) and records outside the United States (Volume 4) plus several help pages and a master index with over 25,000 links to entries (Volume 5).

The entire series, located at, provides navigational assistance and improved intellectual access to a largely obscure universe of records for genealogists, historians, and scholars. Volumes 1 through 4 feature entries in PDF format that describe targeted holdings held by archival repositories and local churches. Besides the usual holdings note and contact information found in reference guides, many of the entries also provide institutional chronologies to illuminate the provenance and content of holdings. Noted in the guides are more 1,000 Catholic religious communities and institutions and over 100 Native American ethnic groups, which includes some not recognized by the U.S. government.

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Consulting/Mentoring Program Announced

Would you like to have an experienced archivist to consult with at your archives? Would you like to visit another archives to learn how to handle some practical aspect(s) of your archives? Then this program is for you!

 The Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious (ACWR) is initiating a new program for members. Its purpose is to connect experienced archivists with those who are new or seeking consultation on specific issues. Experienced ACWR archivists will be available to travel to your archives or you will be welcomed at theirs. Limited funding from ACWR will be available to enable these visits to occur. Areas available for consultation will include:

  • General consultation

  • Care of/processing of scrapbooks

  • Marketing

  • Mergers

  • Heritage displays

  • Software applications for archives

  • Relocation of archives

  • Processing and care of photographs

  • Cataloguing and care of artifacts.

Do you have other areas which you would recommend we add to this list? Let us know!

If you are interested in requesting consultation through this program, contact Louise Grundish, SC @

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Job Postings

The ACWR board received a suggestion at our recent conference that we post job openings on our website. If you wish to post a position you have available in your archives or that you know of, please contact Jan Harvey, ACWR Executive Secretary at Announcements of jobs should be limited to 150 words and will be posted for three months after which they will be removed from the website.

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For more information contact:
ACWR National Office
5900 Delhi Rd
Mount St. Joseph, OH 45051
Phone:  1-513-347-4080

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